
Showing posts from April, 2023

French: weather and seasons: lesson 2

 Year 5 practised their song and revised last weeks work. They then revised different types of weather which they learned last year in French. They matched images to weather phrases. They then used this to write sentences describing the weather found in different seasons. 

Where does our food come from?

 What an interesting lesson. Did you know that 24% of our food is imported? Everything we want and need cannot be sourced in the borders of the UK.  Global trade has increased the range of food available to us in the UK. For instance, we would not have chocolate if we did not import cocoa beans from other countries. Furthermore, some adults would not have tea, coffee or alcohol! This is where we need to import good in from other countries. We need to import goods as we do not have the physical geography (climate) to grow certain foods or the space to produce enough of it.  Here is a picture representing how food is global for. One chocolate bar.  The activity today allowed the children to research where certain foods are sourced. Then, they located the different countries on a world map using atlases and globes. Finally, the used the scale on the bottom of the atlas to measure their food miles. 

French: Les quatre saisons: Lesson 1

 Year 5 started an new topic all about seasons. They learnt a new song as well as the vocabulary relating to the  four seasons. They then matched an image of the different seasons to each season. They also wrote down in which season their birthday is. 

Trade and Economic Activity - How did trade get global?

 Today, year 5 started their new topic on Trade and Economic Activity.  Their first lesson allowed the children to discuss what trade is and what their experiences are. Trading is ‘the buying and selling of goods and services we want and need.’ Next, the children identified how trade is used and how it has increased both locally, nationally and globally. In small groups they identified different logos of companies and then they looked at how these are found all over the world. Furthermore,  they researched how trade has developed over time: The Stone Age, 17th Century and21st Century. From here, the children found out that trading has occurred since civilisation began. During The Stone Age, people were able to trade at a local level within communities. However, during the 17th Century, people could trade more widely and traded both locally and nationally. However,  this increased further as there was more technology, better transport links and a bigger population to ...