
Showing posts from June, 2023

French:lesson 4: to translate a song

 Year 5 sang their song and revised the planets vocabulary.They then looked at the words of the song in detail and used a bilingual dictionary to translate unknown words in the song. 

RE - communities - Islam

 Today, the children enjoyed learning about Communities both their own and the importance of communities for Muslims.  The children defined what a community is and the types of community the belong to. Then they discussed different types of communities and that they could belong to more than one; school, cubs, religious and different families.  Next, they identified the five pillars of Islam; Shahadah,; Salah; Zakat; Sawm and Hajj. Muslims believe that family life was created by Allah and they are encouraged to follow the Prophet Muhammad and that the Muslim family is one big extended family and a community. From watching a clip the children researched how Muslims follow the five pillars as they are the pillars that hold up their community. They believe it is important to help others as families and the community are considered the heart of their faith.

French: lesson 3 : matching planets with descriptions

Year 5 sang their song and practised planet vocabulary. They then matched images of planets with a description which they then wrote down. They then unjumbled sentences, rewriting them in the correct order.   

French:lesson 2: writing descriptive sentences

Year 5 practised saying the planets in order and then used a sentence structure mat to write a variety of their own sentences.   

French: lesson 1: Les planetes

Year 5 started a new topic about Planets. They then listened to a song and out planets and found out about how the days of the week are linked to the names of the planets. They labelled planets and matched days of the week to a planet.