
Showing posts from September, 2022

30.09.22 Landscapes - Art

Today in Art year 5 have been following a step by step to create a landscape scene. 

How is our local are used?

  During this lesson the children were given an aerial photograph of Cowes. From this they had to identify how the land is being used and what for.  To extend their learning they had to decide how the map may have changed in 50 years time and why. 

Science - How does the moon change shape?

 Today we explored the moon in a deeper way - creating our own models, to prove that the moon doesn't change shape, only position. We used ping pong balls, and created a model of 8 balls, representing each phase of the moon. We then cut out a middle part for our head, so we could be the Earth, and observe how the phase we see changes, depending on the moon and earths position. The children were very keen to bring these home to show you - so expect to be seeing some of these soon!

French: Celebrating the European Day of Languages: Italian

 Year 5 celebrated the European Day of Languages today during their French lesson. This is an annual event,  generally celebrated on the 26th of September.  As we have a variety of languages spoken in our school, a language relevant to a child in each year group was chosen.  Year 5 found out about Italy  and Italian. They counted to 10 in Italian, coloured in the Italian flag, learnt some Italian greetings, identified Italy on a map of Europe and then created a factfile with some interesting facts.

Computing - Combining Output Components

In today's Computing, Year 5 have been continuing to explore the Crumble micro-controller. We found out how to add a motor to our Crumble, in addition to the Sparkles that we used last week. Using these connections we then designed our own 'disco dancing' animations!