
Showing posts from October, 2022

Science - Can I communicate Scientifically?

 Today we conducted an independent research project into an area of Earth and Space which we were most interested. We chose a range of secondary sources to help us, and created a piece of work which communicated our findings using: - Scientific Vocabulary - Diagrams - Charts/Tables - Graphs We are looking forward to presenting our work to the class next week!

PE- fitness session

 As the weather turned on us, we were unable to go outside and do another session of rugby. However, this meant we were able to take to the hall to do a fitness session which proved to be great fun. We had a circuit with some of Mr Lines and Miss Shaw's favourite workout tunes.  Within our circuits we had: boxing, crazy catch, step ups, tricep' dips, sit ups and wall sits. All in all, it proved a hard, yet enjoyable session.  Well done Year 5!

Risk Assessments

 Today, the children looked at different scenarios regarding peer pressure and discussed the advice they would give to each other.  The children then watched a video which highlighted the risks children take in different situations. They had to the use a traffic light system to decide the level of risk, who could get hurt and the action that they could take to make sure there is a positive outcome. 

English - Priory

 This week the children have been learning how to edit their narrative story. They have looked for spelling mistakes, lack of punctuation as well as handwriting. For some, their target is to ensure they use better adjectives and adverbs to give their writing description and imagery.  From their writing task, the focus has been on learning how to use adjectives, adverbs and expanded noun phrases to good effect. This means the reader can picture exactly what the character looks like, the setting and what is taking place. They have used various text drivers, pictures to help them understand how this works and practice this.  Some amazing work Year 5. 

Maths - Priory Class

 Over the last week, the children have been learning about factors, multiples and common factors. They have all worked so hard this week.  Finally, to end the week, the children played a game from Nrich, where they had to find the the longest chain using factors and multiples.  Don’t forget children, if you want to play against your family, here is the link Two hard working children with postcards.